How to make a fake Indian River State College diploma, buy fake Indian River State College certificate, order fake college diploma. Indian River State College is a public college offering Bachelor and Associate degrees as well as many occupational programs and certificates. You’ll feel at home at IRSC with affordable courses, close to where you live and work. With caring teachers and counselors, you’ll succeed in your classes and enjoy student activities that enrich your learning experiences.
Indian River State College (IRSC) is a Public institution located in the Central-East region of Florida. IRSC has Regional Accreditation .
The main campus in Fort Pierce, FL has a Town feeling. 2% of students take advantage of the On-Campus Housing.
The average freshman retention rate, an indicator of student satisfaction, is 64.5%. IRSC has a total undergraduate enrollment of 22,851 with a gender distribution of 38.6% male students and 61.4% female students. IRSC has racially and ethnically diverse student body, with residents of four Treasure Coast counties (St. Lucie, Martin, Indian River, Okeechobee) making up a majority of enrollees.
Indian River State College students have great transfer opportunities. Transfer agreements to a college or university help ensure that you won’t need to retake successfully completed courses or earn additional credits to enter as a junior, unless you change your major or degree program.
IRSC has partnered with several institutions for specific Associate or Baccalaureate Degree majors to transfer into public and private universities. Review the IRSC to university agreements to understand the requirements—such as specific courses that you must complete successfully while at IRSC and transfer student benefits—which may include waived fees and tuition reductions.