Tips to order Hogeschool Gent diploma, make a University College Ghent degree, buy Dutch diploma. University College Ghent (Dutch: Hogeschool Gent), commonly known as HoGent, is the largest university college in Flanders, with three faculties, one School of Arts and 13,000 students. Its establishment in 1995 is the outcome of two successful mergers that involved sixteen Belgian institutions of higher education. Many had been influential leaders in higher education for several decades. The current faculties are spread over the city center of Ghent and Aalst.
Ghent University of Applied Sciences and Arts is one of the 17 university colleges in Flanders. It was founded in 1995 when thirteen institutes of higher education merged. In 2001, a second merger took place to form Ghent University of Applied Sciences and Arts as we know it today. In 2003, Ghent University of Applied Sciences and Arts became part of the Ghent University Association, a cooperative body of universities and university colleges.
Student facilities include libraries, concert halls, learning centres, research and study centres, a 3,000 m2 sports centre and much more. Additionally, Ghent University of Applied Sciences and Arts offers its students a complete range of student services, from housing and catering to student jobs, cultural events and medical assistance. All these services are centrally organized by the Office for Student Services and Student Life.