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We appreciate your interest and would like to give you an introduction to our institution.Today, out of a total student community of around 15’000, there are nearly 1’600 non-German students, from well over 80 different countries, studying here for their first academic degree or within bilateral exchange programmes. Over the years, the TU Braunschweig has developed educational links with a great number of foreign universities both on the individual and the institutional level. There are official co-operation agreements with universities in Western and Eastern Europe, the USA, Canada, South America, China, Japan and Indonesia.
Within the framework of the SOCRATES/ERASMUS program there are student exchange programs with more than 180 universities all over Europe and this network of partners is expanding all the time (see our brochure).We greatly value the international nature of our university community. By studying or conducting research here, you will contribute to this process, bringing something of your culture, awareness and outlook to the common search for knowledge and skills.We cordially invite you to become a part of our university community and very much hope that your stay will be a rewarding and enriching experience both academically and in terms of your personal life and development. We wish you success during your stay at Braunschweig.