How to make a fake Hochschule Stralsund urkunde, buy a fake Hochschule Stralsund degree, buy a fake Germany degree. Stralsund University of Applied Sciences ( until February 28, 2017: Stralsund University of Applied Sciences ) is a university of applied sciences with a technical and economic profile in Stralsund in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania . It was founded on September 1, 1991. The university has 2,378 students (as of winter semester 2021/22).
It is a campus college; all faculties are located on a contiguous site in the north of the city ( Knieper Nord district ) , directly on the Strelasund.The Studierendenwerk Greifswald offers apartments on campus in the student village Holzhausen. Sports facilities, the university library and an observatory are also located on campus.
Stralsund University of Applied Sciences was founded on September 1, 1991. The campus university is located in the north of Stralsund. Almost all buildings and facilities that belonged to the Officers’ College of the People’s Navy “Karl Liebknecht” from 1960 to 1990 and to the Stralsund Naval Academy in 1990/91 have been renovated since it was founded in 1991, and some have been newly built. Today, almost all of the faculties of the university offer modern equipment. For the future i.a. an extension for the university library is planned.
Stralsund University of Applied Sciences maintains international contacts with more than 70 universities. Internationally oriented degree programs allow you to study entirely or partially in English. Two full English-language bachelor’s degree programs are offered : International Management Studies in the Baltic Sea Region (BMS) and Leisure and Tourism Management . Three master’s courses, all of which are taught in English, are Tourism Development Strategies , Simulation and System Design and Renewable Energy and E-Mobility.
In some courses, it is possible to obtain a double degree at Stralsund University of Applied Sciences and at a partner university in four semesters. For example, a double degree at the Stralsund University of Applied Sciences and the Université du Littoral C?te d’Opale in Dunkerque is possible in the Tourism Development Strategies master’s degree. In the Electrical Engineering course, a double degree with different focuses ( Electrotechnics , Renewable Energy and E-Mobility or Automation and Mechatronics ) at the Stralsund University of Applied Sciences and the Electrotechnical University of St. Petersburg is possible.