Steps to order fake FH Technikum Wien degree, purchase FH Technikum Wien diploma, make a fake UAS Technikum Wien certificate. With over 3,200 alumni and more than 2,500 students currently taking its eleven bachelor’s and sixteen master’s degree programs, UAS Technikum Wien is the largest purely technical university of applied sciences in Austria. It offers an extremely diverse range of bachelor’s and master’s degree programs. They are offered as full-time, part-time or distance study degree programs.
At UAS Technikum Wien, emphasis is not only placed on providing a high-quality technical education, but also on language training and subjects with a focus on business and personal development. Close ties with business and industry give students and graduates excellent career opportunities.
UAS Technikum Wien was founded in 1994 and became Vienna’s first university of applied sciences in 2000. It is a network partner of the Association of the Austrian Electrical and Electronics Industries (FEEI).
The University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien has two locations: the main building at Hoechstaedtplatz and ENERGYbase on Giefinggasse. The majority of all lecture halls and laboratories are located in the main building. The courses that take place at ENERGYbase are mainly for the bachelor’s degree program Urban Renewable Energy Technologies and the master’s degree program Urban Renewable Energy Systems.
In Austria, prospective students have to have completed a total of twelve years of school in order to be eligible to attend a university or a university of applied sciences. At the end of the twelfth school year, secondary school students take the university entrance qualification exam, which is called the Matura in Austria. The Matura is an admission requirement for all degree programs (bachelor’s, Diplom and Magister) at Austrian universities and universities of applied sciences.